超完美告別  Death at a Funeral

老早就想看這部片了  但一下地獄後就忘了 (如同火星小孩魔法玩具城一樣)

說到底  即使人死了  活著的人問題還是沒解決
算是黑色喜劇  雖然是告別式  但問題層出不窮
特別是噴屎到臉上(顏射?!)那段我大笑  (好吧! 我就是低俗)

所以有裸奔啊  露著大白屁股(不是酪梨壽司的老公)在畫面晃啊晃
結尾的老人  也是誤服  也光著老白屁股.....

你做再多的努力  別人看不到也是徒然
別人在緊要關頭插了一手  功勞全都被搶走 
又或者因為誰誰誰比較出名  所以大家都喜歡他而想要聽他致詞
殊不知  平時在照顧或處理事情的其實是別人
有個婆婆死了  平時都是大媳婦在照顧
但在告別式時  二媳婦哭得最賣命最大聲
於是...  大家便開始說二媳婦好孝順哦  這麼傷心
別傻了  這世上沒幾個聰明人
換句話說  你要做也只是讓自己問心無愧而已
天下白痴何其多   隨便唬哢個就可以搞定
要不  你以為這社會怎麼那麼好操縱啊

片尾曲是Yamit Mamo 的Love our time today


Love our time today   (Yamit Mamo)

Love our time today   You know all trivials fade away but love is here to stay
I don’t know another way   Don’t let me now and then
I am not thinking about when, coz  all we have is now.
We’ve got to get through it somehow

Don’t leave it late now   Love cannot wait now.
Let’s get it started   Waiting will be broken hearted

No more delay now  No more to say now
This magic day is all we have and  all we’ll ever know

Love our time today  Love our time today  Love our time today ye~
Love our time today  Love our time today  Love our time today ye~

I won’t ever leave you  I would not deceive you
not while the sun is shining  not with the spring arriving

Love me now or never  Don’t put it off forever
You sit and wait for too long  then wait along  and I’ll be gone

Love our time today  Love our time today  Love our time today ye~
Love our time today  Love our time today  Love our time today ye~

I hope we stay together and yes I mean forever
It’s not a promise I make You’ll have it then I can’t break

If we stay together  we’ll miss that nasty weather You and me forever,
that’s how we’ll be together

Love me now and then  I am not thinking about when, coz all we have is now
We’ve got to get though it somehow

Love our time today  You know all trivials fade away but love is here to stay
I don’t know another way

Love our time today  Love our time today  Love our time today ye~
Love our time today  Love our time today  Love our time today ye~
Love our time today  Love our time today  Love our time today ye~





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